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Resource Library

Welcome to our Library of Resources for parents, caregivers and teens. The library contains helpful and informative content that includes our own on demand webinars, articles and links to our partners’ resources to help inform and support your teen mental health questions. Please check back often as we continue to build this out.


We have partnered with who has generously provided no-cost access to mental health resources for parents and families looking for guidance. Please take time to explore the wonderful and helpful library of courses, developed by leading mental health experts to offer hope, answers, and compassionate help.


In partnership with The Cook Center for Human Connection, it is our pleasure to offer access to the animated series My Life is Worth Living as another helpful mental health resource for teens and their families.

This series includes five powerful stories told over 20 episodes. In each episode, relatable teen characters wrestle with challenges that are all too familiar for many viewers and discover strategies to cope when it feels like their own thoughts are against them. Over the course of each character’s journey, they realize that life is worth living.

FORTitude for Parents Video Library

Parents Video Resource Library

Feel free to browse through the titles of previous FORTitude for Parents panel discussions that range in topics from teen substance abuse to preparing for the start of a new school year.  Viewing is provided free by the generous time contributions of our panelists and donations from organizations and individuals like you who support teen mental wellness and youth suicide prevention.

If there’s a topic or question that you don’t find covered in this collection, please let us know. Send your suggested topic or theme to be considered for possible future panel discussions to:

Ryan Bartel Foundation
Real-time Talks: Teens & Technology
Real-time Talks: Teens & Technology

Real-time Talks: Teens & Technology

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Raising Resilient Teens: Strategies for Parents with Dr. Lacey Rosenbaum

Raising Resilient Teens: Strategies for Parents with Dr. Lacey Rosenbaum

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February 2024 Parent Panel: Parenting Through Peer Pressure 640x360

February 2024 Parent Panel: Parenting Through Peer Pressure 640x360

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January 2024 Parent Panel: Empowering Teens, A Journey of Intention Setting

January 2024 Parent Panel: Empowering Teens, A Journey of Intention Setting

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